Upper Marlboro MD Visitation Attorney Protect Your Rights with an Upper Marlboro MD Visitation Lawyer Revisiting Your Rights to Visitation Moving beyond a divorce is difficult even under the best of circumstances. If you and your partner share responsibility for raising children, the end of a marriage may bring about additional stress if one partner ignores court-ordered visitation rights. If you live in Prince George’s County and have concerns about visitation rights, you should discuss this matter with a visitation attorney in Upper Marlboro MD, who can provide guidance. In most circumstances, a parent has the right to spend time with their children, even if they lack custody. If a parent with custodial authority wants to move, their decision could disrupt your visitation. Consult with the team at the Law Office of Robert Castro, P.A., regarding these and other visitation and family law matters. Three Types of Visitations Reasonable: Usually done as a schedule between both parties, though the parent who retains custodial rights has a greater ability to determine the time and circumstances. Fixed: If the separating or divorced couple cannot agree on a schedule, the court could establish a fixed visitation schedule to ensure that the child’s best interests are met and to provide a sense of continuity. Supervised: In some cases where a parent has caused the abuse, they may still retain limited rights to visit their children. However, these circumstances may require the presence of another adult or other mandatory restrictions. The Rights of Grandparents In some situations, a custodial parent may deny grandparents a chance to visit or have any communication with their grandchildren. An Upper Marlboro MD visitation attorney familiar with the nuances of the law will allow you to consider your alternatives. Supporting Your Visitation Rights Contact the Law Office of Robert Castro to learn how we will advocate on your behalf for matters regarding visitation or other family law issues. Call us at 301-870-1200 today.