Personal Injury When Should I Call a Waldorf, MD, Lawyer to See if I Have a Personal Injury Claim? By Law Office of Robert Castro, P.A. | January 9, 2023 Share There are several answers to this question. First, call a Waldorf, Maryland, personal injury lawyer after you have received medical care and treatment for a Southern Maryland accident. The accident may have been a Charles County auto accident, a trucking accident in Prince George’s County, or any other type of accident in La Plata, Clinton, or Bowie, Maryland. You should call a Maryland personal injury attorney to evaluate whether you have a personal injury claim. Anyone injured or who suffered damage to property in Maryland because of the negligent and wrongful conduct of any other person is legally entitled to bring an insurance claim and/or file a Maryland personal injury lawsuit. Why call so quickly? Because, after being retained, Maryland personal injury lawyers will quickly begin to take actions to maximize the recovery of compensation for your case. This involves decisive efforts to collect necessary evidence and prevent the purposeful destruction of any evidence that is probative of the at-fault party’s legal liability. Your newly hired Maryland personal injury attorneys will also move quickly to preserve “ephemeral” evidence — that is, evidence that fades, gets overwritten, or vanishes over time. Thus, your attorneys will move quickly to obtain copies of text messages and other evidence that might get deleted or overwritten. Also, your lawyers will have you photograph physical signs of the injuries suffered. By the time of the trial, that evidence will have faded since the injuries will have healed. Good lawyers know the importance of at-the-time-real evidence. If you have suffered injuries in a Waldorf, Maryland accident, contact us here at the Law Office of Robert Castro at (301) 870-1200. There are other times when you should call the Law Office of Robert Castro after a Maryland personal injury accident. Call us if you are contacted by the insurance carrier for the at-fault party. Call us BEFORE you give a statement or sign any documents that are presented by the employees of the insurance carrier. Insurance companies are in the business of making money. They do their very best to pay as little as possible on Maryland personal injury claims. To accomplish this, they train their employees to get statements from accident victims that diminish the value of the victim’s claim. Insurance companies can prey on a victim’s decent nature and/or on their confusion. For example, some victims don’t want to place blame or are confused about how the accident happened. Insurance company employees know this and will try and get a statement from the victim that exonerates their customer. This saves the insurance company money. Likewise, many victims will “be strong” and downplay their injuries. So, the insurance company might get the victim to say they were “okay” after the accident. Again, this will allow the insurance company to offer less in a settlement. This saves the insurance company money. You need a Maryland personal injury lawyer to make sure you are not victimized a second time by the insurance company. Next, call the Law Office of Robert Castro before you accept a settlement offer and sign a Release Agreement. You might be leaving significant money on the table. Once you sign the Release Agreement, you can never go back for more compensation. Contact Waldorf, MD, Personal Injury Attorney Robert Castro Today This article has been provided by the Law Office of Robert Castro. For more information or questions, contact our office to speak to an experienced Maryland personal injury lawyer at (301) 870-1200. We are Waldorf, MD, Personal Injury lawyers. Our address is 2670 Crain Highway, Waldorf, MD, 20601.
Medical Malpractice How Maryland Law May Reduce a Jury’s Verdict for Medical Malpractice June 17, 2022