Securing Slip & Fall Representation for Your Recovery
The slip and fall accident is a regular problem. Despite all the technology that people have developed in the 20th century and going into the next one, slips still happen. And most of them are the result of carelessness. Floors, steps, door trims and things left in pathways are all physical culprits, but prevention can deal with all of these things if one pays attention. It’s that human factor that ultimately ends up becoming the issue and the cause of people getting hurt from falls.
While it seems like a very basic situation, each slip and fall case tends to have details and situations that make them unique. As a result, holding the responsible party who allowed the fall to happen accountable takes a case by case approach as well. The law tries to provide a standardized generic solution, but it’s only categorical. Ultimately, the injured party has to prove the details to get the responsible party to provide care, restoring the injured party if not provided voluntarily. This is where an accident injury lawyer Waldorf MD resource becomes essential.
The Details Matter
Every slip and fall case matters on how the details of the case fit the law. If there is a match, then the responsible party can be required to provide recovery. Like most personal injury cases, a slip and fall depends on showing four things: a duty, a failure of a party responsible to meet that duty, an event, and someone being injured by that failure causing the event. However, these elements don’t automatically cause anything to happen. Instead, the injured party has to use the lawsuit in court and prove the elements happened. If successful, then the court and jury’s agreement forces the responsible party to pay a financial judgment.
Of course, the responsible defending party can make a counter argument, known as a defense. The details matter here too. The court system is set up to be adversarial; both sides get to make their argument based on the accident’s details, and the court then decides which one is right. The skill of the representation and argument matters tremendously in who ends up winning.
You Can Help Your Own Argument
Obviously, when you’re the victim of a bad fall, it hurts, really bad. The last thing on your mind is probably wanting to think about what just happened, why, who failed to take care of the floor or doorway you just walked on, and getting details. However, if you can handle it, catching that immediate information can be tremendously helpful. Most of us carry mobile devices or phones. If you can take a few pictures, get people’s names and spot any signs or things that should have been in place to avoid a fall, capture it. You’ll be amazed how helpful that can be to make a case in court later on.
Try to Keep Good Paperwork
Probably the more manageable part of an injury, the paperwork of the injury’s effect happens in all sorts of documents. Everything from hospital bills, to prescriptions, to property loss and replacement, to lost income and wages add up. These are all easy-to-quantify damages that have occurred thanks to the fall injury, and the paperwork helps prove everything months after the fact when it becomes harder to remember off the top of the head.
The Attorney’s Role
In the slip and fall case, the first contact one has with a slip and fall lawyer is probably just trying to find representation to get started. This introduction comes in the form of a consultation meeting to get a feel of the nature of the case and representation for new client and attorney. Given the initial details, the attorney will then recommend the best path forward. This will include a realistic assessment of the case’s success probability and what will be expected of the client. If agreeable, the case is then initiated.
Initially, a slip and fall attorney’s strategy will try to avoid court altogether, seeking a favorable settlement for the client. The same details matter, with the goal of convincing the responsible party a settlement is a better path versus the risk of a full court judgment. If that is not possible, then the formal lawsuit process is pursued. After filing, discovery occurs, motions and, if still no settlement, a trial.
Building Your Recovery With Qualified Representation
If you’ve had a slip and fall, and now need accident injury lawyer Waldorf MD representation to get a proper recovery, our office can help. The Law Office of Robert Castro can evaluate your case carefully, provide a clear view of all your legal options, and how our firm can advocate for your rights and full recovery. Doing so, we also hold the responsible party accountable, providing you a fair opportunity to get compensation for your losses and fairness.