Personal Injury Workers Compensation Maryland Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome By Law Office of Robert Castro, P.A. | October 30, 2019 Share Carpal tunnel syndrome is a repetitive motion injury that is caused by day-to-day duties and progressively gets worse over time. Although it is not an injury that can be traced to a specific, one-time event, it is just as devastating and debilitating as suffering a fall at work or some other acute injury. Carpal tunnel syndrome is more common than people realize, as many jobs involve repetitive motions or the regular use of the same body parts in order to complete the same task. As time goes on, this can affect all parts of your body, including muscles, nerves, ligaments, joints, tendons, etc. These injuries can be temporary or permanent. In the event your carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by work activities, you should be eligible for Maryland workers’ compensation benefits. Your benefits should cover your time off work, medical bills, and any retraining that might be necessary. In the event your injuries are permanent, you can then make a claim for permanent disability benefits. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, it is important to reach out to a Maryland workers’ compensation attorney for assistance. Some carriers will look to deny claims asserting your injuries were caused by other activities and not your job. High Risk Jobs for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Injuries Certain types of jobs have a higher risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome injuries than others. These include, but are not limited to: Bakers Painters Data entry operators Cashiers Seamstresses Musicians Janitors Machine assembly Meat processing and poultry workers Hairdressers Mechanics Those who are obese are said to be at greater risk. It is believed that women are several times more likely to develop carpal tunnel syndrome. Other risk factors can include diabetes, thyroid disease, trauma, arthritis, and pregnancy. Possible Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome is when the nerves that pass through the wrists become compressed due to swelling from surrounding ligaments and tendons. An early symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome is tingling. Some more severe symptoms can include numbness, decreased range of motion, severe pain, clumsiness, and weakness. If left untreated, it can result in complete loss of function. How is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Treated? There are a number of potential treatment options for carpal tunnel syndrome. These can include physical therapy, which can strengthen and stretch the muscles and tendons in your wrists. You may need to immobilize the wrist using a splint or brace. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed. In more severe cases, your medical provider may want to try steroid shots to help reduce the swelling and your pain. If other conservative methods do not provide relief and mobility, you may need to have surgery to relieve the pressure from the affected tendons and nerves. Contact a Maryland Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today Are you prepared to file a workers’ compensation claim for a repetitive motion injury? Do not take on the workers’ compensation process alone. Let the Law Offices of Robert R. Castro help. Contact our office at 301-870-1200 today to schedule an initial consultation.