Personal Injury How Expert Witnesses can Help Your Maryland Personal Injury Claims By Law Office of Robert Castro, P.A. | November 5, 2018 Share In a personal injury case, there can be two different types of witnesses. One is the person(s) who witnessed the actual event that caused your injuries, while the other type of witness is an expert witness. These are professional individuals with certain credentials who are allowed to testify at trial about various aspects of your case. Their expertise can help a jury better understand the evidence that is presented. The use of experts in a personal injury matter is fairly common, especially in ones involving serious injuries or death. Your Maryland personal injury attorney will organize a trial strategy and decide what experts are needed to help you win your case. Types of Experts Used in Personal Injury Cases There are a number of different types of expert witnesses whose expertise may or may not be required in your personal injury case. Some types of experts include: Medical Experts: A doctor may review your injuries and treatment and render an opinion on the findings. Medical experts can be useful for helping establish an award for non-economic damages like pain and suffering. Accident Reconstructionists: These people are specialized in the physics of car accidents. They will use their expert knowledge and new technology to recreate how the accident occurred. These are important experts to use in cases involving disputed liability. Economists: An economist or actuary may be called in when you need assistance proving your loss of earnings. They can provide feedback on your wages along with future capability, which can also help establish future losses that might otherwise be considered speculative and very hard to measure. Highway Safety Engineers: Someone who specializes in highway safety and engineering may be needed to give an opinion on traffic and roadway conditions at the time of the loss. Mental Health Professionals: Some cases may require the use of a mental health professional if your mental health has been compromised by the accident. They would provide similar assistance as a medical professional, but render an opinion on your emotional well-being and how the loss affected your quality of life. Do I Need to Find My Own Experts? If you retain an attorney, he or she is the one who will be in charge of retaining experts. For example, if you are involved in a serious car accident in Maryland, you may need a medical expert who will provide an opinion on whether your treatment was reasonable and necessary. Your Maryland personal injury attorney would be the one who would find the appropriate expert. Attorneys who represent a lot of clients in personal injury matters have experts they like to use. This might be a doctor they know juries love, or someone who specializes in your type of injuries. Retaining a Maryland Personal Injury Attorney If you have been in a Maryland car accident or have another personal injury claim, we recommend calling a knowledgeable plaintiff attorney right away. The Law Office of Robert R. Castro has decades of experience handling personal injury matters throughout the state. Call our office at 301-870-1200 to schedule a consultation.
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